Wintergreen Club – Boston, MA


“Wintergreen Club, of Boston, was formed in 1891. The idea originated with Mrs. Julia K Dyer, who is said to belong to more clubs than any other woman in America. The plan was for a small club limited to twenty-five women, not under fifty years of age. It had but three officers: the president, Mrs. Dyer; secretary, Mrs. S. A. Bigelow; treasurer, Mrs. Kate Tannatt Woods.  A more recent appointment is that of historian. The members are chiefly composed of club presidents or ex-presidents. It does not aim to “work” or discuss “subjects.”   But it started a movement against large theater hats, and the large Greek meeting held at Faneuil Hall was the outcome of one of its suppers. It meets at private houses, the members taking turns and entertaining.


“Mrs. Julia Ward Howe and Mary A. Livermore are both members of the Wintergreen Club, and Helen Gardnieror, who was once entertained as a guest, wrote verses, of which the following is one:
“Those dear old, cherry old, Wintergreen girls!
Still steadfastly playing their parts;
They stood by the cradle when we were not –
Yet to-day the have evergreen hearts!”


The History of the Woman’s Club Movement in America, Croly, Jame Cunningham,  New York : H.G. Allen & Co., [©1898], pp 670-71, accessed on Google Books,