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Helen Wales Photo Album with Memories in her Verse – 4


Mother in Brookline (Mable Hervey Wales)

Of my dear mother, alway fondly I think.
Although with her all discipline I must link.
She meant what she said, if she said “No”
You might just as well, that way gladly go.

Aunt Lizzie’s two children scrapped all the time
Mother often said, “That won’t do for mine.
If anyone scrapped in our yard, home they went
And when we did so, to our room we were sent.

It didn’t take long for us all to learn
When playing with others, we each have a turn.
And that rules and regulations we must obey
That all through life we’ll find it that way.

That is the reason why I hate so to see
Anyone pass a stop sign, meant for you and me.
If we don’t show the young, by example today
How can you expect them to learn the right way.

We must not be greedy, with others we must share
It’s peace in this world, for which we really care.
We must mean what we say to show other nations
That with truth we can build better relations.

More about the Wales family in Brookline

Helen’s mother, Mabel Louise Hervey Wales, compiled a spiral notebook of memories called “Biographical Notes of Nana”

You can view it here
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